Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Party Night

22 June, 2006, one of our client's club grant opening date, Garry, our nice customer, invited all of us to join the opening party. I was really excited cause I have never played in club. :) Just like the first time i visited Ocean Party when I was still a kid. Honestly, 22 June is really not a good day, cause, it is Thursday, and I had to work on Friday!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sleepless night

It is 02:18am at Hong Kong, should be my time on bed. But I am still awake, even I tire to die. May be just because of examination just did today, well, should be yesterday... hey, it should be hardless to guess my performance on exam.

sigh~.. one more is coming... on sat. but, nothing was read.
