如果你係香港接受過教育, 相信你都曾經見過 "一 tick 一點 ". 即係又唔係錯晒, 又唔係口岩晒.
攞唔到滿分, 老師又唔想唔俾分你, 咁就會有呢個"一 tick 一點 ".
今日係寫緊個Presentation 既時候, 有一個部份, 我想講我地公司既軟件唔係fully support 某一樣野. 就諗起呢個symbol, 但係係MS PowerPoint 就搵黎搵去都搵唔到.
咁搵唔到, 都要交功課, 就唯有係個表度加左個註腳, 話partially support.
好有求知慾既我, 閒時無聊, 上google 搵, 都搵唔到呢樣野. 好奇問下個同事K, K係加拿大讀書讀左十幾年, 佢話未見過外國人用呢個symbol , 外國老師通常會係每一個點計分, 即係呢一個點啱, 就一個tick, 如果果點錯, 就一個叉 . 認真黑白分明, 唔會有灰色地帶. 就佢既個人感覺 一 tick 一點 似係" 香港製造", 係一個Local 文化.
雖然好似好無聊, 不過又好代表到不同地區的差異, 等我搵日問下其他 region 既同事先.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
How are you?
一個多月了, 你,好嗎?
從電視上看到了讓誰都痛心的新聞, 急急的張羅你的電話, 心急的打給你... 接電話的那位, 說你不在家...
還好... 總算安全...
等了一個星期, 再寫了信給你.... 但到了今天, 還未收到你的消息.
從電視上看到了讓誰都痛心的新聞, 急急的張羅你的電話, 心急的打給你... 接電話的那位, 說你不在家...
還好... 總算安全...
等了一個星期, 再寫了信給你.... 但到了今天, 還未收到你的消息.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A mistake
got a mail from PMI.org this morning, thought it is just a advertisement, not really care about that...
then reopen it after lunch, and read it in detail.... which shocked me!
the exam will be changed? I thought it was changed on last year and thinking to take the exam sometime this year, but not rush.
Now, what should i do? take the exam before Aug? Sounds a bit too rush. or wait after that? then i need buy the pmp book again. Um ~~~
then reopen it after lunch, and read it in detail.... which shocked me!
the exam will be changed? I thought it was changed on last year and thinking to take the exam sometime this year, but not rush.
Now, what should i do? take the exam before Aug? Sounds a bit too rush. or wait after that? then i need buy the pmp book again. Um ~~~
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