Sunday, March 18, 2012

Art Jamming

2011-08, Art Jamming in Central

This is not a real scene i have seen, imagining i am on one of hot air balloons and watch out.

This scene gives me a sense of freedom and adventure, which I am sure I will be there in one day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oil Painting - Lesson 2

Lesson  2 for oil painting, we practiced on the light contrast on different color.


Using gray and white to present the light contrast

Thursday, March 08, 2012


投資左$570 大元, 係學校團購, 不知平定貴, 不過D 筆好似麻麻地, 一路畫一路脫毛.

  • 有四支170ml 顏料
  • 一套六支畫筆
  • 平頭掃
  • 手挽
  • 調色刀
  • 調色板
  • 松節水 500ml
  • 膠水杯
  • 七塊1.2cm x 30 cm x 40 cm 畫板

Oil Painting - Lesson 1

Today lesson is to learn how light affect color, and how to use different color to present the contrast.


Adding background color

