Thursday, October 27, 2011

一風堂 ippudo

呢間野係尖沙咀, 聽人講要等兩個鐘, 食完仲話等咁耐都值得喎...  於是去過幾次, 試下等, 但真係無咁好耐性. 攞左籌, 最後都放棄左. 

個半月前, 終於試左, 等左半個鐘, 食都只係食左半個鐘. 因為上菜超快. 

拉麵都幾好既, 湯底濃但唔算好多味精, 麵又可以選擇軟硬度, 今次點左一般, 下次可以點硬, 咁食到尾聲, 拉麵都唔會太軟; 沙律都幾好, 幾新鮮. 圖右下角個义燒包, openrice 既食評講到好勁. 但我只可以講一句, 試左就算啦. 

如果唔駛點等, 都可以再食既, 要等超過半個鐘就免啦.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


試新野,係 openrice 見到有間評分幾高既韓國料理,今晚就去左試下。

一進門, 招待我們的是一位廣東話很流利, 但我相信是韓國人的男士. 幸好我們到得比較早, 雖然沒有訂枱, 也即時有位.

店內的職員好像都不太懂廣東話, 我們點菜時, 都要用MENU 對照才可以成功落單.

在韓國旅遊時, 巳試過A++ 級韓牛, 感覺一般, 故不打算在香港用更貴的價錢再試了.
我們點了一個$366 套餐, 包括有前菜八小碟, 牛胸薄片 300g, 菜籃, 一客泡菜豬肉湯.

侍應端來的燒板是很韓式的那一種, 有坑紋讓肉燒出來的油流走, 吃時便沒那麼油膩了. 開動之前, 侍應端來前菜, 泡菜不錯, 是我喜歡的, 少許辣不太酸, 而且很爽口. 其他的便比較一般.

泡菜豬肉湯有豆腐, 泡菜和豬肉, 還不錯.

牛肉很薄, 不消數秒巳經熟, 我用菜包著肉片再加醬油, 和豆瓣醬. 但生菜清洗過後沒有瀝乾, 弄得一手是油, 很是狼狽.

牛胸薄片的肉味很淡, 感覺好像在吃美國肥牛, 有點失望, (離開時才在走廊看到, poster 巳註明牛胸薄片肉味比較淡, 只是我們沒有留意)

再點了客海鮮薄餅 $108, 餡料不太多, 但煎得很香口和不油膩.

兩個人完成了整客薄餅, 巳飽得不能動彈.    但侍應端來的薏米糖水, 剛好清了韓燒的油膩感覺, 故也一滴不漏的喝掉了.

整體而言, 不多不失. 再去的話, 可能會試五花腩, 應該比較地道.

PMP - Status Update

最近是真的很忙, 工作或是工作以外.  所以一直都沒有時間報上我pmp 的進度.

八月十二日, 終於走進了試場, 也幸好, 剛剛合格了!

試題一般比練習簡單, 但ethic 部份就比較難, 這是我平時最高分的, 考試卻得最低分. :(

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On the ferry

Taking an evening ferry for crossing harbour, looks so nice.

Can we still have same scene 10
Years after?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

my first run on the street

Ran in gym for few months, and this morning is my first attempt to run on street. Just finished 3.49km, average pace is 11'/km. I know it is bit slow, will try to push harder next time. :)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Thanks for the typhoon

每次因為八號風球, 而不用返工, 我便很感恩, 實實在在的感到自己是幸褔的一群. 起碼, 不用擔驚受怕, 驚水浸, 驚屋頂被吹走, 驚無工返影響生計, 驚屋企無野食.

回想小時候, 家中因打風過後, 水管被破壞, 而四天全區無食水, 每天放學要走到樓下排隊"輪水". 還要到住附近的親友家中沖涼, 而現在, 只是坐在家中, 看電視看書聽歌, 實在是幸褔.

在祝願各人都能"享受"到八號風球假期, 還能感恩. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Spam on the post

Just found there are tons of spam on my blog, spent 10 mins to remove spam comments, hope i didn't miss any, or marked some comments from my friends as spam.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Korean Business Trip - the Nth time to Korea

七點四十五分到達機場, 一切順利, 八點十五巳坐在lounge 吃著早餐, 沒有加XO 醬的魚蛋河, 無甚特別, 但勝在水準平穩. 腸粉很乾, 西蘭花更令人失望.

九點上機, 人還未齊, 睡著了, 卻給機長的廣播叫醒, 好像是要等兩個人, 要延遲起機. 又再陷入睡狀態.

又不知過了多久, 午餐時間, 空姐只道是雞, 卻原來是deep fried sweet and sour chicken, 很油膩, 所以只吃了幾口, 便轉了到生果和甜品.

一邊吃飯, 一邊看電影, 是我近期很喜愛的 Natalie Portman, Love and Other Impossible Pursuits. 很平淡, 但又很感人的一套電影.

午飯過, 再看了一會書, 兩點多再落機, 關口都很多人, 還排了一會才可過關, 三點到達巴士站.

四時四十五分到了酒店, 比我想像早了不少.

開會過後, 又打電話回家報平安, 巳經六點半, 肚在打鼓.  原來巳有七, 八小時沒吃東西和喝水.

出發到明洞, 同事推介的一間餃子店 , 幸好不用排隊, 菜牌的選擇不多, 又不覺得十分出色. 可能我還是喜歡中式的餃子, 感覺比較充實.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

PMP - status update

那個該死的表格, 讓我花了一個星期, 都不是一路在填, 只是有空才填, 但我實在很懷疑有沒有人像我般認真的該計數, 也很懷疑我填的東西有沒有會看.
anyway, 填好了, 還要等一星期作核實.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

一 tick 一點

如果你係香港接受過教育, 相信你都曾經見過 "一 tick 一點 ".  即係又唔係錯晒, 又唔係口岩晒.
攞唔到滿分, 老師又唔想唔俾分你, 咁就會有呢個"一 tick 一點 ".

今日係寫緊個Presentation 既時候, 有一個部份, 我想講我地公司既軟件唔係fully support 某一樣野. 就諗起呢個symbol, 但係係MS PowerPoint 就搵黎搵去都搵唔到.

咁搵唔到, 都要交功課, 就唯有係個表度加左個註腳, 話partially support.

好有求知慾既我, 閒時無聊, 上google 搵, 都搵唔到呢樣野. 好奇問下個同事K, K係加拿大讀書讀左十幾年, 佢話未見過外國人用呢個symbol , 外國老師通常會係每一個點計分, 即係呢一個點啱, 就一個tick, 如果果點錯, 就一個叉 . 認真黑白分明, 唔會有灰色地帶. 就佢既個人感覺 一 tick 一點 似係" 香港製造", 係一個Local 文化.

雖然好似好無聊, 不過又好代表到不同地區的差異, 等我搵日問下其他 region 既同事先.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How are you?

一個多月了, 你,好嗎?

從電視上看到了讓誰都痛心的新聞, 急急的張羅你的電話, 心急的打給你... 接電話的那位, 說你不在家...

還好... 總算安全...

等了一個星期, 再寫了信給你....  但到了今天, 還未收到你的消息.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

A mistake

got a mail from this morning, thought it is just a advertisement, not really care about that...
then reopen it after lunch, and read it in detail....   which shocked me!

the exam will be changed? I thought it was changed on last year and thinking to take the exam sometime this year, but not rush.


Now, what should i do? take the exam before Aug? Sounds a bit too rush. or wait after that? then i need buy the pmp book again. Um ~~~

Monday, February 28, 2011

nothing special, but just suddenly think of this

當我們以為自己巳是一個成人, 其實還是一個小孩.
當我們以為自己還是一個年輕小伙子, 但其實巳是步入老年.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

PMP - 1st step

終於在 開了帳戶, 還是搞不清如何可以在網站上登記考試加membership.

還真是一個不太user friendly 的網站.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I love Hong Kong

從來不會在新年到戲院看賀歲片, 今年因為和奶奶一起, 便選擇了這一套大堆頭的賀歲片. 知道名的演員很多, 除了馮粹帆, 梁家輝, 曾志偉, 吳君如, 還有很多TVB 演員. 

都是講屋村隣舍的友情和關心, 說真的, 即是在舊式公屋, 如戲中的隣舍關係巳是買少見少, 誠然可貴.

兩小時, 輕輕鬆鬆的看完, 笑位很多, 沒有三級笑話, 很適合一家大細, 但對結局卻感到有點傷感, 香港小市民如想有美好生活, 無論多努力, 還真的需要一個有錢的, 非常有錢的好朋友.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Lunar New Year

新年假期四日, 一下子便過去了. 婚後第一年, 卻比想像中輕鬆. 因為父母都去了旅行, 只要到奶奶家拜年. 

還可以好好的休息一下.  不錯. 

Monday, January 17, 2011


My company kept recruiting new QA Engineer in the past few months. Finally hired two fresh graduates, but not more then half years, both of them resigned and claimed they want to change to development post.

QA Manager came to my desk, doesn't look happy. He said QA Engineer in HK is always not recognized as professional, always like a "lower class" job.

Does it really the case? I don't know, but to be honest, it is a bit boring to repeat the same testing again and again, but for my past 2 years experience in QA Area. I think it is not easy to be a good QA Engineer. It is always a challenging job. First, you have to be a careful person, of course, no need to explain. Second, you need to think out of the box, if the problem is trivial, then probably won't pass to your hand, because it should be fixed by developers already. It means you need to think how users use the application in an unusual way. Third, you need relative technical knowledge, which would help you to troubleshoot a problem, to minimize the chance to submit irrelevant issue. Forth, you need good communication skill, because you always need to communicate with different developers, then how you clearly state the issue you found to minimize the time on explaining the issue is very important. Fifth, you need to aware of deadline. As testing is always the last stage before delivery, it means if there is any delay on development, unless your manager can help you to delay, otherwise, you are the one who suffer.

With all those requirements, who qualified to be a good QA Engineer is actually a good candidate for developers and project manager, and i think it is main reason that make us to difficult to find QA engineer. Because if you are one of those, you would prefer to work as project manager or developers because usually those positions offer higher salary. Then why QA?

Sunday, January 02, 2011

2010 - where did i go?

Jan: Japan - Kansai, Shirakawa go 
Sep: Spain - Madrid, Toledo, Sevilla, Ronda, Granada, Barcelona
