cont. the previous post for life will be more busy. hope it is the last section.
know from boss today, pretty B will change to another product team. my team headcount was 12 but now diminished to 4, but work load just keeps increasing. Isn't it awful?
It should be a good chance for training, multi-tasking and time management.
Imagine that you have 5 IM windows opened on desktop and each windows are related difficult topics, several draft emails are opened, and waiting for finising, 5 news mail just received which attached 10 documents that need your review today. Your boss just tell you that we have a demo today, please fix the machines before demo start, and now only have 1 hr left. And, your colleagues come to your desk and ask for help.
What would you do first?
Isn't it awful?
It is my life today.
12:00 am. going to my bed. and , just finished all tasks.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
will be more busy
早前寫BLOG 提到, 公司美國OFFICE 有重大變動.. 原來 the story is never end. 今天同事K媽媽告訴我另一在羅馬里亞的同部門的同事會在六月尾離開了.
在人事變動的巨浪中, 我只好不停的游, 開始令我應接不下了.... 雖然才剛升職, 應該不會有問題. 但有人手減少, 工作自然要再重新分配, 不斷有新人加入的本部, 首當其衝. 工作量也不斷增加. 說實的身為隊目的我, 心中的不安感也日增. 怕一天, 工作量大大超出了各同事的極限, 到時, 香港OFFICE, 也可能有另一浪湧過來了.
是時間, 和主管談一談了.
在人事變動的巨浪中, 我只好不停的游, 開始令我應接不下了.... 雖然才剛升職, 應該不會有問題. 但有人手減少, 工作自然要再重新分配, 不斷有新人加入的本部, 首當其衝. 工作量也不斷增加. 說實的身為隊目的我, 心中的不安感也日增. 怕一天, 工作量大大超出了各同事的極限, 到時, 香港OFFICE, 也可能有另一浪湧過來了.
是時間, 和主管談一談了.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Firefox 3
Just downloaded firefox 3, still can't get used for the new UI. But the loading time and performance of gmail on ff3 is really good. Especially on Google document, it is greatly improved!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
for one more day
Author: Mitch Albom
ISBN: 0-7868-9117-3
Just finished this book today, feel exhaled. Can't tell it is a sad story or not.
A simple story, but give you chance for deep thought. about your family, your love.
ISBN: 0-7868-9117-3
Just finished this book today, feel exhaled. Can't tell it is a sad story or not.
A simple story, but give you chance for deep thought. about your family, your love.
the debt
今日好似還稿債咁, 係咁寫BLOG, 查實邊有人追丫, 主因都係因為無聊, 係屋企做緊公司野, 又想偷懶.
終於寫返幾篇, 之前開左頭, 又無完成既文章.
my life in korea - day 1
my life in korea - day 2
my life in korea - day 3
my life in korea - day 4
my life in korea - day 5
my life in korea - day 6
my life in korea - day 7
終於寫返幾篇, 之前開左頭, 又無完成既文章.
my life in korea - day 1
my life in korea - day 2
my life in korea - day 3
my life in korea - day 4
my life in korea - day 5
my life in korea - day 6
my life in korea - day 7
My pictures
May be you noticed already, I have never posted my picture or my friends pictures to blog. Yes, that's what I intended to do.
The reason is simple, just don't want to expose my friends' privacy on internet. (Maybe, my blog is very popular! I don't want to be recognized! hahaa... )
But last week, I just finished the photo album for my trip to Nepal and Tibet, and I started want to post this album to my blog.
Although, there is not much beautiful sight pictures, cause of my poor photo taking skill, those pictures still show up the scenes and my life in places, which are those most valuable things I would like to share.
Privacy or sharing. I still can't make up my mind, maybe someday, you will see it here.
The reason is simple, just don't want to expose my friends' privacy on internet. (Maybe, my blog is very popular! I don't want to be recognized! hahaa... )
But last week, I just finished the photo album for my trip to Nepal and Tibet, and I started want to post this album to my blog.
Although, there is not much beautiful sight pictures, cause of my poor photo taking skill, those pictures still show up the scenes and my life in places, which are those most valuable things I would like to share.
Privacy or sharing. I still can't make up my mind, maybe someday, you will see it here.
The day we were in tibet
呢個POST 係舊年開始寫, 寫左幾句, 就停左. 今日做做下野, 搵返出黎. 寫埋佢先.
2007 11 13 夜晚, 無聊果陣.
剛看完新聞話事人,其中方東昇談及他在內的沙漠迷途的經歷。回想起自己在TIBET 亞里的路上壞車, 推車推左個幾鐘, 最後有好心人路過救左我一命.
本來, 只係去個湖度食午飯, 跟住返酒店, 我地諗住都只係三,四個小時的行程, 咩都無帶. 點知, 就係回程的路上, 架車壞左. 當時, 無電話網絡, 無人. 無車, 無水, 無食物. 其實都幾危險. 雖然果度都算係景點. 但就無乜人. 起碼, 我地等左幾個鐘. 等到天黑. 只有幾架車經過. 我地一見有車經過, 就叫HELP. 但願意停係度既, 只有一架. 吉位得一個. 就咁, 我一個人上左架車, 諗住到左亞里, 再班架車返黎接返其他人. 車主成家人, 有老有嬾, 但係都極速咁開車. 希望我快到市區可以搵到救兵, 仲送左雞髀同綠茶俾我添.
去到亞里, 入左間公安所, 道明來意, 我唔知佢地係唔想幫我定點. 講左一輪, 佢地都只係寫左我個人資料. 搞左三十分鐘, 我唔想再等, 因為巳經十點幾. 最後我俾左幾佰蚊, 叫左架的士去接人. 未去到, 路上見到有間貨車. 諗住問下佢地見唔見有車壞左停係路邊, 點知原來佢地就係車上面... 我地再返去接返我地個司機, 唔知係唔係我心急, 我覺得架的士行左好耐. 又無街燈, 真係只係靠星光引路. 可惜果時個心只係諗住接人, 無閒情去細味. 搵到架車, 司機堅持話要留係架車度.. 咁我只好留低左我既食物同水俾佢. 返到酒店, 三點幾. 個人散晒.
每次諗返, 其實都幾驚. 一個人上左架車, 仲要無錢係身. 俾人溶左或者推左落山就係咁先.
好彩, 就好似方東昇咁, 家陣無事. 仲可以係度寫BLOG 同大家講返呢件事. 都算係出路遇貴人.
2007 11 13 夜晚, 無聊果陣.
剛看完新聞話事人,其中方東昇談及他在內的沙漠迷途的經歷。回想起自己在TIBET 亞里的路上壞車, 推車推左個幾鐘, 最後有好心人路過救左我一命.
本來, 只係去個湖度食午飯, 跟住返酒店, 我地諗住都只係三,四個小時的行程, 咩都無帶. 點知, 就係回程的路上, 架車壞左. 當時, 無電話網絡, 無人. 無車, 無水, 無食物. 其實都幾危險. 雖然果度都算係景點. 但就無乜人. 起碼, 我地等左幾個鐘. 等到天黑. 只有幾架車經過. 我地一見有車經過, 就叫HELP. 但願意停係度既, 只有一架. 吉位得一個. 就咁, 我一個人上左架車, 諗住到左亞里, 再班架車返黎接返其他人. 車主成家人, 有老有嬾, 但係都極速咁開車. 希望我快到市區可以搵到救兵, 仲送左雞髀同綠茶俾我添.
去到亞里, 入左間公安所, 道明來意, 我唔知佢地係唔想幫我定點. 講左一輪, 佢地都只係寫左我個人資料. 搞左三十分鐘, 我唔想再等, 因為巳經十點幾. 最後我俾左幾佰蚊, 叫左架的士去接人. 未去到, 路上見到有間貨車. 諗住問下佢地見唔見有車壞左停係路邊, 點知原來佢地就係車上面... 我地再返去接返我地個司機, 唔知係唔係我心急, 我覺得架的士行左好耐. 又無街燈, 真係只係靠星光引路. 可惜果時個心只係諗住接人, 無閒情去細味. 搵到架車, 司機堅持話要留係架車度.. 咁我只好留低左我既食物同水俾佢. 返到酒店, 三點幾. 個人散晒.
每次諗返, 其實都幾驚. 一個人上左架車, 仲要無錢係身. 俾人溶左或者推左落山就係咁先.
好彩, 就好似方東昇咁, 家陣無事. 仲可以係度寫BLOG 同大家講返呢件事. 都算係出路遇貴人.
Advertisment vs truth
Friday, June 13, 2008
As busy as usual
the only word to describe my recent life, BUSY. Lot of changes in US headquarter management broad. More and more tasks are shifted to HK. Seems more 10 ppl jobs are shifted to HK, but we only have 5 people. My boss ask me to think positive. More task means you are more important to the company. Well ....
Start to think +ve.
Okay, I get promoted to Senior QA Engineer. Salary increased a little bit. At least it is a good news.
now is 1:02 am. just finished my work.
Start to think +ve.
Okay, I get promoted to Senior QA Engineer. Salary increased a little bit. At least it is a good news.
now is 1:02 am. just finished my work.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
我是一個沒恆心既人. 很多事情三分鐘熱度. PMP 讀左個COURSE, 又唔去考試, 日文學左咁多年, 都無乜進步. 寫BLOG 成日寫左開頭又無再寫落去.
好希望, 係2008 年既最後六個月入面, 去改變一下自己呢一個人生既大缺點.
好希望, 係2008 年既最後六個月入面, 去改變一下自己呢一個人生既大缺點.
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