Thursday, June 26, 2008

will be more busy - part II

cont. the previous post for life will be more busy. hope it is the last section.

know from boss today, pretty B will change to another product team. my team headcount was 12 but now diminished to 4, but work load just keeps increasing. Isn't it awful?

It should be a good chance for training, multi-tasking and time management.

Imagine that you have 5 IM windows opened on desktop and each windows are related difficult topics, several draft emails are opened, and waiting for finising, 5 news mail just received which attached 10 documents that need your review today. Your boss just tell you that we have a demo today, please fix the machines before demo start, and now only have 1 hr left. And, your colleagues come to your desk and ask for help.

What would you do first?

Isn't it awful?

It is my life today.


12:00 am. going to my bed. and , just finished all tasks.

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