Monday, December 10, 2007

my life in korea - day 1

It is the first day in Korea, very cold here, -1 degree at night, Korean colleague said there may have rain tomorrow. O... my god.

Today is not a easy day, dated K at 8:25 a.m., arrived airport at 8, went to cathy pacific check in counter, chose the short queue, thought I must be able to meet K on time. However, 8:25 a.m., still queuing for check-in; 8:35, queuing for check-in; 8:45, queuing for check-in; 8:50, my turn finally, I complained of long queuing time, the operator said it is due to system problem on cathy pacific check-in system -____- . What a shame.

starving for food, rush to cafe de coral, used ten minutes to finish my breakfast, 9:35, ran to gate, the last one get on flight, safe finally, i hope.

Arrived Korea Incheon Airpoirt at 3 something, K lost his luggage, but the staff in Korea is quite helpful, we waited around 30 mins, lucky enough, they found the luggage finally. Someone took the luggage, and thought it was belonged to him. -___-

Good time is coming, went to have dinner with Korean colleagues, a very traditional Korea cooking style, kimchi, bean sprouts and sausage, a strange combination.

Back office after dinner, started raining, it likes freezing me, thanks KH, he return to office and took umbrella to us.

1 comment:

Chul Her said...
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